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Introducing our law firm

The more seriously you take your growth, the more seriously your people will take you.
John Maxwell

Introducing Our Firm

HR Headquarters is a network member of the national HR Coach network. Based in regional Victoria, work with businesses in the SME sector to align their strategy with the activities of their people to improve performance and profitability.​

Our Business Model

Our range of consulting services are designed to help small and medium businesses to overcome challenges closing the gap between strategy and action and align the actions of their people with their strategic goals by identifying their needs and developing a framework for implementing sustainable change.

Supported by independent research commissioned by the HR Coach Research Institute, our key model of operation is the development and implementation of a 12-month HR plan. 


The plan is divided in to five key areas that are aligned with the National Human Resources Framework:

1. Organisational measurement and planning

2. HR Systems and processes

3. Corporate compliance

4. Performance management

5. Improvement systems.

Strategic Action Model

Based on research conducted with over 5000 Australasian businesses, the Strategic Action Model identified that the correlation between the strategy of the business and the activity of the employees was core to business growth or sustainability.


Research has consistently found that over 50% of businesses have alignment rates below 67% and that only 22% of businesses align their business strategy with the everyday activities of their people. This means that half of the businesses in Australasia are potentially spending a third of their labour budget for a nil or negative return. By improving their alignment rates, it would flow directly to their bottom line.


National Human Resources Framework

Businesses have financial plans, sales plans and marketing plans, governance plans and environmental plans, yet the greatest controllable expense a business has on their profit and loss statement is their wages bill. Why don't they have a HR Plan to maximise the outcomes and performance of this expense?


The National Standard HRF 101:2010 Human Resources Framework provides a simple and flexible HR Framework which is easily adopted or implemented. Every business needs to ensure that their HR systems, processes and methods are aligned and appropriate to the needs of their specific business (because you don't need a sledgehammer to break a peanut). The stronger the alignment between the human resources framework and the business strategy, the greater the likelihood that business will see improvements in productivity, performance and profit.

The National HR Framework is a standard that was released in 2010 to meet the needs of businesses. It minimizes risk and unlocks value in businesses to maximize sustainability.

The standard identified 5 linked and critical stages that form a framework. Those include:

1. Organisational measurement and planning

2. HR Systems and processes

3. Corporate compliance

4. Performance management

5. Improvement systems.

The standard provides a sound structure for HR focus and activity within a business. It is also provides a basis for annual review - as the business environment is constantly changing-and businesses need to adapt to survive and prosper.

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Organisational Measurement and Planning

Business strategy

Business data analysis

Employee benchmarks

Employee analysis

HR Plan mapping to strategy and analysis

Annual HR Plan


HR Processes and Systems

Policies and procedures

Attraction and recruitment

Retention and reward & recognition programs

Position and reporting structures

Recordkeeping, employee records & payroll systems

Performance management procedures


Governance and Compliance

Annual legislation audit

Internal compliance audit

Compliance policy and procedure verification & updates

Orientation, annual reorientation & communication


Performance Management

Performance reviews and evaluations

Coaching frameworks

Peer coaching

Individual development programs

Organisational capability reporting


Workplace improvement

Workplace improvement programs

Specialised task force committees

Workshops and group development programs

Community based projects

Client & supplier joint programs

Our Partners

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HR Headquarters

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